
TFM - Farming simulation VR game for elderly

El objetivo de este Trabajo Final de Máster es proporcionar una simulación en Realidad Virtual para personas mayores sencilla que pueda mantenerlos ocupados para evitar la ansiedad y la soledad que sufren.  Initial project and mechanics Mecánicas principales - Misiones: cuidar a los animales (dar de comer, acariciarlos, etc), recolectar cosechas - Tareas Sistema de inventario: El juego dispone de un sistema de inventario realizado para guardar los distintos recursos del juego como pueden ser las calabazas, la madera, las piedras, etc.  Este inventario funciona de la siguiente manera: Tenemos un dictionary que guarda una key (un hash obtenido mediante el Animator y un ScriptableObject llamado ItemSO. Al principio del juego, recorremos el proyecto para encontrar todos los ScriptableObjects que hay en él y almacenarlos en un diccionario provisional. Una vez hecho esto, comprobamos un archivo txt llamado Inventoy.txt que ha sido generado cuando guardamos el juego (el juego se guar...

Laika The Electromagnetic Dog - Global Game Jam 2021


Researcher in IFMIF-DONES

  The mission of DONES is to provide a neutron source producing high energy neutrons at sufficient intensity and irradiation volume in order to: ·        Generate materials irradiation test data for design, licensing, construction and safe operation of the fusion demonstration power reactor (DEMO). ·        Generate a data base for benchmarking of radiation responses of materials hand in hand with computational material science. The missions of Remote Handling in DONES are: - To protect workers from ionizing radiation during maintenance of activated components, by providing and operating a system of remotely operated tools, equipment and procedures to be used inside of the plant. - To contribute to maintenance planning for those components that require remote maintenance - To provide and operate the neccesary equipment to support hands-on installation of components My main role in this project is programming a simulati...

My very first game(s) in VR for self-learning

VR DEVELOPMENT Last Christmas (I gave you my heart)  I decided to buy my first VR device and I bought the Oculus Quest because in November they launched the beta version of Oculus Link, which is the way to "convert" an Oculus Quest to an Oculus Rift (more or less that) And... Yes, I haven't had time to try how to implement something in Unity (aka Beat Saber, Superhot VR, Moss and Pistol Whip absorbed my free time...) So FINALLY I decided to do something and for now I'm following a series of  tutorials I found on YouTube to learn about VR. I will update this post with screenshots, videos, and more things I'll learn along the way. Bowling Game Is this a Wii Sports reference? Maybe, but I started with this in order to create the first demo and see if it's working on my PC (it doesn't work on my laptop because a random bug with 10XX Nvidia cards)

Chatbot with Raspberry Pi 4 running Android, Unity and Dialogflow

OkMyHotel, a Magic Mirror for Hotels I am currently working on a chatbot for hotels, like  Alexa for Hospitality Tool I used: - Dialogflow - Google APIs: Places API - Node.js - Unity 2019.3 - AWS - Heroku

1971: Project Helios

1971: Project Helios I was working on the development of a video game as a programmer in an indie video game company:  Reco Technology   Here you can see a small demo of the game: APRIL 2020 My contribution to the project as a programmer - UI/HUD Programmer - Fix different bugs - Porting to PS4 and Nintendo Switch - Inputs with controller and keyboard - Implement music and sounds - Create the logic of some of the levels - Implement one of the character's skills The game 1971 Project Helios is a turn-based strategy game which combines modern warfare military tactics and close combat. Firearms and vehicles are scarce, conflicts and hostilities have no end, and the terrible freezing cold annihilates friends and foes in its path. Eight characters have to join forces for a common cause: find an important scientist kidnapped by a massive stratocracy. Along their way they will have to avoid raider attacks, investigate military headquarters, and infil...

Procedural generation of roads

I am trying to learn about procedural generation of terrains, roads, forest, etc and by now I created a procedural race circuit. The mesh of the road is created entirely by code.